BGEN receives RoSPA gold award for health and safety achievements

BGEN receives RoSPA gold award for health and safety achievements

BGEN are celebrating after landing the internationally-recognised RoSPA Patron’s (27 consecutive Golds) Award for health and safety performance during the period of January 01, 2020, to December 31, 2020.

Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety practice. Every year, nearly 2,000 entrants vie to achieve the highest possible accolade in what is the UK’s longest-running H&S industry awards.

Julia Small, RoSPA’s achievements director, said: “The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, but it receives entries from organisations across the globe, making it one of the most sought-after achievement awards for health and safety worldwide.

RoSPA is very proud of the achievements of its entrants, and with this award we recognise the best of the best, those organisations that have gone the extra mile, raising the bar for the delivery of safety in the workplace. Employees, wherever they may be should be able to go to work safe in the knowledge that they will return home unharmed and healthy at the end of every day. Our RoSPA Award winners are central to achieving this goal. By entering they are driving up standards and setting new safety benchmarks for organisations across the world. Currently, around 7million people are directly impacted by the RoSPA Awards, but the scheme’s global influence is even wider – with nearly 2000 organisations from 46 countries represented this year.

Julia Small, RoSPA’s achievements director.

The award of the RoSPA Patrons Award 2021to BGEN is not only a significant recognition of the sustained year on year achievement of being awarded 27 consecutive RoSPA Gold Awards – it also highlights and underpins our company ethos and focus in this critical area of our daily operations. I would also take this opportunity of thanking Martin Glover and his Safety Team not only for the achievement of this prestigious Health and Safety Award but also for the tremendous effort and resilience which they have consistently displayed throughout the whole of the COVID pandemic. I would also take this opportunity of offering my sincere thanks to all of the collective employees of BGEN, not forgetting the contribution of our support subcontractors, without whose input, focus and day to day support, we simply would not be in a position to replicate this outstanding year on year performance.

Terry Marston, BGEN’s Health and Safety Director

For more information about the RoSPA Awards visit

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