Health & safety
We take a pro-active approach to ensure the highest possible standards of Health & Safety on all our projects and within our manufacturing facilities and offices.
The commitment to continuous Health & safety improvement and our pursuit for Zero Harm is evident at all levels of our organisation and demonstrated by our commitment to digitalisation of our H&S reporting systems.
It is further demonstrated not only by our ISO45001:2018 accreditation, but also numerous Health & Safety Awards through organisations such as RoSPA with B-Gen having achieved an incredible 2 consecutive RoSPA Gold Medal Awards.

Our awards
- RoSPA Order of Distinction Award: 29 Consecutive Golds
- SafeContractor
- Achilles UVDB Audited
- British Safety Council
- Institution of Occupational Safety and Health: Managing Safely
We have an excellent safety record at our Macclesfield Campus and we do expect a very high level of pro-active safety, health and environmental performance from all our suppliers. [BGEN] have been a key supplier and partner to us for many years and have significantly contributed to those successes through the positive SHE culture and attitude of the teams that work for us on our projects.