Thames Tideway Tunnel

Thames Tideway Tunnel
Case study

London Tideway Improvements Scheme

Client Requirements

The Thames Tideway Tunnel (TTT) project, part of the London Tideway Improvements Scheme was initiated to address combined sewage overflows (CSOs) into the River Thames, as mandated by European and UK environmental regulations.

The project involved constructing a new 25km storage and transfer tunnel to intercept and divert sewage flows, along with associated works at various sites including Beckton Sewage Treatment Works (STW) and pumping stations. To ensure the successful operation of this new infrastructure, TTT required a comprehensive solution for the Motor Control Centres (MCCs) Local Control Panels (LCPs) and Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPSs) to manage air treatment and venting of sewer gases.

Our Solution

In response to the subcontract works outlined by TTT, BGEN proposed a comprehensive package covering the design, provision and installation of MCCs, LPCs and UPCSs at each of the tunnel’s 20 Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) designed to collect, store and release waste in a controlled manner.

We took full responsibility for the design of the entire subcontract works, ensuring compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and liaising with the main contractor to coordinate temporary works design as necessary. The MCCs and LPCs were manufactured in one of our offsite manufacturing facilities to minimise site deliveries, snagging and reduce our carbon footprint.

The design ensured strict criteria related to safe sewage interception and transfer, environmental compliance, operational efficiency and longevity. We aligned our design with the project’s objective for standardisation of MEICA (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation) plant materials, access arrangements, and operational methods, ensuring consistency, efficiency and the highest standards of workmanship across the project.

The solution not only met the immediate requirements outlines by TTT but also contributed to enhanced project efficiency, quality, compliance, and stakeholder satisfaction. Once complete, the tunnel will help to transform the water quality in the River Thames.

Client Benefits

Compliance and Quality Assurance: Our strict adherence to specified standards and a comprehensive quality management system ensured compliance with regulatory and contractual obligations, guaranteeing high-quality deliverables.

Efficiency and Timeliness: Through meticulous design and project management, we ensured efficient progress and adherence to project schedules, contributing positively to the overall project timeline and milestone’s.

Risk Mitigation: Our proactive approach to risk identification and management, including alignment with project objectives and standards, minimised the risk of disruptions and non-compliance.

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